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Fabulous Foods for Father’s Day

According to Grace Stevens, in her experienced opinion as a baking genius and as a mom, nothing is more important than showing your family how much you appreciate them. Fabulous food is one of the best ways to share the love, and this Father’s Day presents us with another opportunity to show dads how much they mean to us by making them some delicious treats.





It is well established that breakfast in bed is a favourite with dads the world over, right after letting him take a well-deserved nap in peace and indulging his dad jokes.


Wake him up from his nap with a cup of coffee and a gorgeous gooey chocolate brownie and you will be well on your way to being his favourite child.


How about putting a slideshow together of all your favourite dad memories and take the time to listen and laugh at all the embarrassing stories about you as a kid.


Grace says that in her household, homemade pizza with dad’s favourite toppings reigns supreme as the perfect father’s day meal. Throw in a giant mug of hot chocolate to sip in front of a roaring fire and you have yourself the perfect day spent with dad.



Grace says that unfortunately some dads feel underappreciated, and her husband says sometimes he feels like an ATM because the kids only talk to him when they need money. Father’s Day is a great way to remind your dad that that you notice all the love and care he gives you and are thankful to him for sacrificing that sports car so you could have all that our hearts desire.


For more recipes by Grace Stevens and easy to follow online baking and cake decorating courses click here ……..


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