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Time- and Temperature-Dependent Rising Behavior of Dough


Time- and Temperature-Dependent Rising Behavior of Dough

Relevant for: MCR, Dough, Flour, Yeast



Production of yeast dough is a large sector of the food industry. Achieving consistent dough quality is of great importance. Therefore, meaningful measuring methods such as the determination of the rising behavior are useful to characterize the dough

1 Introduction

Production of yeast dough is a large sector of the food industry, mainly due to products such as deep-frozen pizza and baguette dishes. With a view to achieving constant dough quality, evaluation of its rising behavior is a useful parameter that can easily be determined with time- and temperature-dependent measurements, and would therefore be a promising quality control method.

2 Experimental Setup

2.1 Sample
Dough was prepared from flour, water and yeast according to a standard recipe. The dough was
thoroughly kneaded, formed into balls of 3 g and stored at a temperature of 7 °C until further

2.2 Method

The measurements were conducted using an Airbearing-based Modular Compact Rheometer (MCR) from Anton Paar with normal force control. A confined measuring system (CMS) was placed on the inset plate (I-PP25) for a plate-plate measuring geometry. The CMS is a stainless steel cylinder with 33 mm height and 25 mm inner diameter (Fig. 1). A Peltier Temperature Device (PTD) as well as a Convection Temperature Device (CTD) were used for temperature control.
The PTD was set at 30 °C with a constant normal force of FN = 0 to ensure permanent contact between sample and upper plate. The CTD was set to follow a temperature ramp from 30 to 180 °C (FN = 0), imitating the baking process in an oven.

Fig. 1: CMS for a plate-plate measuring geometry in a PTD


3 Results and Discussion


The gap width is plotted as a function of the measurement time at a constant temperature in Fig. 2.
During the first 5 min, a distinct rise of the dough was recorded. The slope during this phase is a characteristic parameter of the curve and can be applied as parameter for quality control as well as for research purposes. Furthermore, the curve maximum as well as the time passed to reach the maximum indicate the quality of the dough and give important information about its time-dependent behavior


Fig. 2: Gap width plotted vs. measurement time of yeast dough at 30 °C, with curve slope and curve maximum shown as red dots.



During a second measurement, a temperature sweep from 30 to 180 °C was conducted. Fig. 3 shows the gap width vs. temperature. Initially, the dough rose extensively until a maximum was reached. With further increase in temperature, the dough height declined and a second, but lower, maximum was observed. This maximum was followed by a slight decrease in dough height. The course of the curve obtained from a temperature sweep is characteristic for each individual dough sample. Thus, the curve maxima and the corresponding temperatures, as well as the final height, can all be determined from the temperature sweep.

Fig. 3: Gap width vs. temperature for yeast dough. An initially steep increase is followed by two maxima and a final, almost constant, value.

4 Summary

For characterizing the rising of dough, an MCR rheometer equipped with a confined measuring
system (CMS) was applied. The temperature was controlled with Peltier or Convection Temperature Devices (PTD, CTD). The gap width (height of the sample) was determined during measurement as time- and temperature-dependent functions by setting a constant normal force of FN = 0. This approach is a fast and convenient method for quality control as well as for research purposes.

Contact Anton Paar GmbH
Contact: Gabrielle Chebou – Product Manager for Rheology
[email protected]


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