Gluten-Free Food Production Goes Large Scale


The market for gluten free foods has doubled within the past five years and is now estimated to be approximately 715 billion Rand. Find out how an integrated bulk handling system designed specifically for gluten-free baked goods is allowing Bakery On Main, a commercial bakery specializing in gluten-free foods, to meet this demand.


Granola tubular cable conveyor circuit: Minor ingredients are manually added through hopper at right while major ingredients are metered from two bulk bag dischargers into the tubular conveyor that feeds the mixer (background).




Minor granola ingredients are manually added to a hopper which discharges through a metered inlet adapter into the TCC line.




Major granola ingredients enter the TCC line from the bulk bag dischargers through vibratory feeders.




Transparent section of TCC circuit allows operators to observe system performance and fill level of “pockets.”




Granola ingredients flow from the TCC line through a full flow discharge adapter into the mixer.




TIP-TITE™ box dumper deposits contents of boxes of excess granola back into the TCC line to the packaging machines.




The second TCC circuit supplies surge hoppers of two granola packaging machines though inline tubular discharge valves.




Packages of granola exit from the packaging machine.





In the first oatmeal TCC circuit, ingredients from the cantilevered hoist style bulk bag discharger exit through a full flow inline discharge adapter into the mixer below. An inclined screw conveyor moves the mixed ingredients to a packaging machine (left).



The first oatmeal TCC line, fed by a bulk bag discharger, is in the foreground. The second oatmeal TCC line, fed by a TIP-TITE™ box dumper, is in the background.




Oatmeal ingredients descend from the bulk bag discharger through a weir gate and vibratory feeder into the intake valve of the TCC circuit routed to the mixer.




Finished oatmeal packages




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