The South African Cake Decorators Guild Demonstration Day




The South African Cake Decorators Guild’s  Bellville branch is hosting a day of demos on 7th March.






The South African Cake Decorators Guild is a non-profit organisation founded in 1976 with the aim of promoting the growth of the cake decorating community by hosting shows & demonstrations nationwide.

Today the SACDG remains the pillar of cake decorating in South Africa. We strive to maintain our high standards, improve our “visibility” to the general public, increase our membership and promote our assessments to those people who want to teach, or become judges of cake decorating.

Our assessments are of a very high standard with the purpose of qualifying people as instructors (teachers) or judges, in cake decorating.
The Guild has branches countrywide where members attend monthly meetings to share their skill, knowledge and love of Sugarcraft with one another.

Membership is open to all who are interested in cake decorating, from complete beginners to experts.


Find out about membership  –




The Bellville branch is hosting a day of demos on 7th March.

For more info click here…..


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