World Flour Day
“Flour and People” – overwhelming response for the third World Flour Day
“Flour and People” – overwhelming response for the third World Flour Day
On 20 March 2022 the worldwide flour industry cele-brated this staple food
The FlourWorld Museum in Wittenburg unveiled a ded-icated flour sack with special artwork
Mühlenchemie and the FlourWorld Museum collected donations for a charitable initiative in Uganda
The third World Flour Day was held on 20 March 2022. The entire flour industry celebrat-ed the day with shared baking activities, because for mil-lenia this staple food has contributed to health, well-being and prosperity around the world.
Under the motto “Flour and People”, this year the FlourWorld Museum, which ini-tiated World Flour Day in 2020, collected stories about the meaning of flour for each individual.
Innovation, tradition, connectedness, prosperity, strength, joy, life. Those are just some of the answers that members of the worldwide gave to the question “what does flour mean for us?” The theme of this year’s World Flour Day was well received around the world.
A wide range of personal stories came in from Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America, the Near East and many other regions. “We were overwhelmed by the participation in this year’s World Flour Day,” says Carsten Blum, the idea-giver and originator of the commorative day. “We received many moving and inspiring stories. People around the globe shared with us their personal links to flour.
All these stories show the multifaceted and individual significance of flour for each person.” On World Flour Day in 2022 the flour industry celebrated its variety and solidarity. In many mills and companies that use flour, employees came together to honour this staple food with joint baking activities.
For the 20th of March the FlourWorld Museum created a dedi-cated flour sack with special artwork that represents the motto “Flour and People”. It shows three children baking together. “This special sack stands for flour and people, variety, interna-tionality, family and the interconnectedness of all people through flour,” explains Carsten Blum. The sack has a place of honour in the FlourWorld Museum.
This museum in Wittenburg near Hamburg, Germany holds the world’s largest collection of flour sacks, with over 3700 sacks from 140 countries. Under the motto Flour.Power.Life the FlourWorld Museum tells of the traditions, history and myths of flour.
“A special highlight of this year’s World Flour Day was the large amount of flour donations we received from our custom-ers for a charitable project in Uganda,” says Maximiliane Schneider, Sales Manager East Africa at Mühlenchemie. On her initiative the FlourWorld Museum and Mühlenchemie col-lected several hundred kilograms of flour for the “Girls’ Club” charity project by the Butiru Friends Circle in Uganda.
The initiative started in 2021 and invites girls from Butiru and sur-rounding villages to a Girls’ Club three afternoons a week. The project has been so popular that Girls’ Clubs are now offered in other locations. The goal of the initiative is financial independence, the strengthening of the community and the autonomy of women.
The girls also learn to determine their profit and handle money. The donations help the organisation to run baking and cooking courses so that the girls and women can set up their own small bakery stall. “We’re very glad to be able to help in this way, because to us flour also means helping the community”, says Maximiliane Schneider.