Supreme Flour Jammy Delights




Supreme Flour Jammy Delights are a treat for the whole family.





For best results use a smooth jam without any fruit bits.

Makes 12


250g unsalted butter, softened
125g / 1 cup icing sugar, sifted
5ml / 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
300g / 21⁄3 cups Supreme cake flour, plus extra to dust
Pinch of salt
125g fruit jam (we used raspberry)


Beat butter, icing sugar and vanilla until pale and fluffy. Add flour and salt and mix until the dough comes together (it will be soft). Form into a flattened disc and chill for 30 minutes.

Pre-heat oven to 180°C and line two large baking trays with baking paper.

Lightly flour a work surface and roll out half the dough until it is 3mm thick.

Stamp out 6cm rounds and transfer to one of the lined trays, rerolling trimmings as necessary. Repeat with remaining dough, but stamp out a further small shape in the centre of each round. Make sure you have the same number of plain and stamped circles.

Bake for 12 minutes or until barely coloured.

Carefully remove the tray and spoon 1 teaspoon of jam onto the middle of each solid biscuit. Carefully place the hole-stamped biscuit on top and press down lightly.

Return the stacks (hole-side up) to one of the baking trays and bake for 5 minutes more. Transfer to a wire rack to cool completely.


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